Sunday, May 27, 2012

Web 2.0

The global village has taken a new face with the spread of social media and online collaborations. One of the most useful commodities that companies pay high price for is information. Information about consumers, shopping habits, culture trends, preferences, etc. can easily be gained if a company injects itself into the Web 2.0  and point-of purchase advertising environment.[1] In this environment, information sharing, user-generated content, dialogues and interactions can dramatically boost the marketing efforts for a particular product, service or brand. [2] The beauty of Web 2.0 is that the market analysis takes on a wholesome and international approach. It is easy to gather and analyze the stats based on neighborhoods, regions, countries, gender, age, shopping habits, etc. In most cases, using Web 2.0 browsers can be turned into loyal customers and buyers.[3]

[1] Robert Liljenwall, The Power of Point-of-Purchase Advertising, Point of Purchase Advertising Intl, 2004
[2] Krishna Sankar, Susan A. Bouchard, Enterprise Web 2.0 Fundemantals, Cisco Press, 2009
[3] Elizabeth Bennett, Web 2.0: Turning Browsers into Buyers, Baseline, found online at

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