Sunday, May 27, 2012

Global Marketing and Respecting Cultures

Innovative culture incorporates cross-cultural values - Mike A.
 Beauty industry is a global industry and as such, it can have a potential positive and negative industry impacts/outcomes on various cultures. Below is a short post comparing the US market with that of Saudi Arabia in regards to beauty industry.

United States:

  • Culture: culturally open to beauty industry – openly embraces outward beauty
  • Social values: highly influenced by the industry
  • Market demand: high market demand [1]
  • Positive outcome: boosting the local and global economy[2]
  • Negative impact: exploitation of women – negatively altering the perspective of individuals about beauty [3]

Saudi Arabia

  • Culture: culturally guarded and even closed to display of outward beauty for women – it’s  considered by some as anit-Islamic. 
  • Social values: marginally influenced by the industry - an Islamic country with very distinct social rules [4]
  • Market demand: high market demand – Saudi consumers are seeking premium and sophisticated retail shopping experience. [5]
  • Positive outcome: boosting the local and global economy – consumers more willing than ever to spend lavishly[6]
  • Negative impact: considered as a Western plot to attack the socio-religious values of a Muslim nation. This has potential geo-political consequences towards the the marketing campaign

Final thoughts: 
In any country, innovation even in the field of beauty industry can help the local economy. Yet, beauty industry provides a uniform and artificial definition of beauty, at the cost of undermining the cultural perspectives, values and ethics. 
In Saudi Arabia, where women are covered under heavy veil, public display of beauty is forbidden by Sharia law.[7]  However, beauty industry thrives in this kind of culture due to social restrictions and people’s natural desire to rebel against authority. [8]  Therefore the industry has targeted to exploit a natural human instinct to want to look beautiful in order to successfully penetrate various cultures and societies.  It is important to respect and value all cultures, especially in the field of global marketing.

[1] [1] Beauty, Cosmetics & Fragrance Stoes Market Research Reprot, NAICS, Nov. 2011

[2] Beauty, Cosmetics & Fragrance Stoes Market Research Reprot, NAICS, Nov. 2011

[3] Elaine Charkowski, All Women Have Beautiful Bodies,, found online at

[4] Kerri, The Price of Beauty in Saudi Arabia, Women’s Campaign International, August 2, 2010

[5] Beauty and Personal Care in Saudi Arabia, Euromonitor International, Aug. 2011

[6] Beauty and Personal Care in Saudi Arabia, Euromonitor International, Aug. 2011

[7] Abeer Allam, Booming Beauty Industry Unveiled in Saudi,, July 19, 2010

[8] Abeer Allam, Booming Beauty Industry Unveiled in Saudi,, July 19, 2010

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