Sunday, May 27, 2012

How and why companies cannibalize their own products?

Innovative culture is a risk-taking culture - Mike A.

Perhaps I can best answer this question by providing an example. There are two examples of product cannibalization that relate to this post. In 2008 Apple sold more than 22 million iPods.[1]  However the company cannibalized iPod by rolling out the iPhone. [2]  This iPhone strategy provided higher profit margins than their 2008 iPod product margin. In addition, cannibalization of iPod into iPhone and launching a smartphone strategy made Apple the world’s largest smartphone vendor in 4th quarter 2011.[3]


The other example is Gillette. In 1998 they successfully introduced Mach3, the first three-blade razor. [4]  However in 2006 they released Gillette Fusion, a five-bladded razor. [5]  To promote their new product (Fusion) they effectively cannibalized their successful Mach3 series.[6]  The Youtube link below is a commercial produced by Gillette…notice the slogan at the bottom that reads “Why Fusion is better than Mach3”:

The link below is a more direct advertising to push Mach3 users to Fusion (showcasing Tiger Woods):

Below are some questions that need to be asked and answered prior to initiating a product cannibalization: [7]

[1] Dan Moren, Inside Apple’s iPod Sales Figures,, Jan 31, 2008, found online at
[2] Adam Lashinsky, Inside Apple: How American’s Most Admired and Secretive Company Really Works, Hachette Digital, Inc., 2012
[3] Business Wire, Strategy Analytics: Apple Becomes World’s Largest Smartphone Vendor in Q4 2011, found online at
[4] Gillette -
[5] Gillette,
[6] Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F. Hair, Carl McDaniel, MKTG 5, Cengage Learning, 2011
[7] Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F. Hair, Carl McDaniel, MKTG 5, Cengage Learning, 2011

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