Sunday, May 27, 2012

From data to design to product - A consumer-focused approach

What are some the things that go on between the gathering of the data and the introduction of new products and services?

In her article, Design Practice, Jane Fulton addresses the question by providing the following model: [1]

  1. Design based on projective and empathic techniques (gathered data)
  2. Exploring design ideas and concepts based on models that fit multiple dimensions of people’s experiences.
  3. Communicating experiential ideas and looking at people in context to build informed-designs
  4.  An interactive functional experience between the design team and the various consumer groups, to promote shared visions and design and invent new tools.

Every new product and service, regardless of design, is in a perpetual beta test. Companies that invest in empathic research can gain much in making their products and services meaningful and relevant. [2]

[1] Jane Fulton Suri, The Experience Evolution: Developments in Design Practice, The Design Journal, Volume 6, Issue 2, 2000

[2] Gary Oster, Divining the Need, Compensatory Behavior of Customers, Regent University School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship, August 2008

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