Sunday, May 27, 2012

Business Idea for the Future

Innovative culture thinks about tomorrow - Mike A.

Forecasting involves creating alternative futures...alternative choices...and alternative resources.[1]  William Halal included "alternate energy" as one the seven major technology areas in his forecasts of the technology revolutions.[2]  Imagine if we could harness the gravitational energy of every rain drop as a new source of power or energy!  Many in the past have tried to create self-running perpetual power plants by harnessing gravitational energy.  Some have succeeded but have not been able to implement it due to various socio-economic hurdles.  Gravitational energy is not a new concept but to be able to capture the "free" energy-form of every rain drop falling through the sky and turn it into re-usable energy is certainly revolutionary.  Much like solar and wind energy, this new form of energy can have tremendously positive global impact.  However, the threat of monopolizing powers, controlled-market and those who are vested heavily in mainstream sources of energy such as coal (China)[3] and oil (OPEC, etc.)[4] will prove to be an obstacle.

[1] Hines, Andy. 2006. Strategic foresight: The state of the art. Futurist 40, no. 5, September/October: 18-21, plus supplement. Approx. 10 pages (1 hour). excerpt in Bb.[2] Halal, William E. 2006. Technology's promise: Highlights from the TechCast project." Futurist 40, no. 6, November/December: 41-50
[3] International Business Times, Sept 23, 2011 available online at[4] Business Insider, Sept 22, 2011 available online at

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