Sunday, May 27, 2012

Intellectual Freedom - Are We Ready For It?

Innovative culture is fueled by intellectual freedom  - Mike A.

“Intellectual freedom” is at the very core of generating new ideas.[1]  many feel “intellectual freedom” will usher in a viable energy source. But the bigger question is:

  • Is our culture supportive of intellectual freedom? 

Intellectual freedom requires an “outside-of-the-box” thinking and approach. But since our culture’s adoption of new ideas is usually slower, we tend to label these efforts as “ alternative”. Unfortunately there is a negative stigma associated with an “alternative” approach. In most cases, alternative methods don’t get the same attention or financial support for development as the mainstream methods would. For example alternative fuel options has never been taken seriously by our culture and society. The reasons for that could range from inhibition, fear, monopoly, comfort, politics, economics, etc.[2] In this case, when our entire society is so dependent on oil and its powerful, wealthy and influential industry, even the most intellectually free minds would find it difficult to compete with these forces. [3]  

[1] Oster, G. (2007, July 16). The Urgency of Innovation., from (p.14).

[2] Renick Mayer, Lindsay, Big Oil, Big Influence, PBS Now, August 1, 2008, found online at

[3] J.W. Smith, The World’s Wasted Wealth 2: Save Our Wealth, Save Our Environment, Institute for Economic Dem, Press, 1994

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