Sunday, May 27, 2012

Doing Things Differently - Crisis Management

Innovative culture thrives through integrity - Mike A.

 Good management requires immediate and appropriate response, as no business in immune to crisis. Consider the following:[1]

  • Operations – outward recognition with candor, and restitution
  • Victims – recognition of impact and victims’ needs
  • Trust and credibility – asking and listening and bringing the victim into the decision-making process
  • Behavior – avoid minimizing the crisis, blame-shifting and arrogance
  • Professional expectations – be mindful of public interest, disseminate accurate information, protect confidential information and be honest
  • Ethics – in good conscience, with integrity and morals reinforce the public expectations
  • Lessons learned – identify challenges, strategize response to crisis, avoid problems and analyze recovery strategy

[1] James E. Lukaszewski, Seven Dimensions of Crisis Communication Management: A Strategic Analysis and Planning Model, Reagan’s Communications Journal, January/February 1999, found online at

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