Sunday, May 27, 2012

Investing in Employees

Innovative culture protects and serves its workforce by building trust - Mike A.
In the process of product-introduction and market penetration, the following should be at the very core of one's mission in regards to employees:

1. Avoid exploitation of individuals – decline in workplace regulation and lack of corporate moral compass has caused many Americans to feel the squeeze as part of a growing wave of worker exploitation.[1] 
2. Build trust in management – companies with diverse workforce need to be sensitive to cultural and ethnic values of their employees. Credibility and legitimacy are major aspects of building trust.[2] 
3. Strengthen relationship - By adopting employee ideas, listening to them, spreading the wealth and admit mistakes, employers can strengthen their relationship with their employees.[3]
4. Make sure they have a lifestyle that is comfortable, see what they really need and care for them
5. Do these, because it is the right thing to do

[1] Steven Greenhouse, The Big Squeeze: Tough Times for the American Worker, Random House Digital, Inc., 2008 [2] Fumiko Hosokawa, Building Trust: Doing Research to Understand Ethnic Communities, Rowman & Littlefield, 2010[3] Al Lucia, Brian Gareau, 180 Ways to Build Employee Engagement, The Walk The Talk Company, 2010

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